Links & Resources

This page will likely always be a work in progress.  As I find new useful items to add to the page, I'll include it here.  Feel free to leave me a comment as to what you'd find useful here or with any items you have found.

What do we need to protect our children from exactly:
 - online content and predators:
 - cyber bullying:
 - childhood obesity:

Here is a site that I find very useful.  Focus on the Family has a team dedicated to reviewing video games, music, movies and much more from the perspective of 'family friendliness'.  That is, they provide some insight to parents as to what the questionable content may be, as well as the beneficial themes one may find in such media.  I recommend you mark as a favourite site!

Here is a site that compares parental control software: .  (There are others, do a google search and you will find some)

Yahoo has a nice site for kids and a lot of good resources for parents.  Here is a good article I found about online risks: